Sunday, November 23, 2008


I read a post today on a great website called Real Life and thought I would share it here!! On a side note Amy and I both have our devotional books! YAY!! So now it's just a matter of making time for our devotion and sharing it here! Pray for us!! We both lead pretty busy lives!!

Anyways, back to Real Life! Sarah wrote a great post about America's financial crisis and it being part of God's plan. I really hit home to remember that God has his hand in all this. It also was very humbling to remember all I need in this world is Him! To think of all the worldly possession I have, that I could easily do with out if finances were an issue! Think about it, do I really need my cell phone, my computer, internet(shiver) cable tv, coach purses, gas guzzling SUV!! And the sad thing is I could go on and on!! I am grateful for the job I have, even if at times it wears on me, and for being able to have all the nice material things I own.

As I head into the holiday season, a season of Thanksgiving, I am reminded to be thankful for what I have and to give a little to others that may not be as fortunate, in this time of financial crsis!


Ames said...

Great post! Yes, I agree. We have SO much and are so blessed. I have not read the post link yet, but I too think that everything happends for a reason and God is definitely in the middle of our pour economic times.

ssbean said...

I just found this blog, and it looks great. I was wondering if you have started the Kay Arthur study yet. I have never done one before, but my mom and husband have. I'm personally a little intimidated by all the work it looks like goes into it. But, I've only heard good things about her studies.

Jen said...

Hey ssbean,

NO we have not started it yet. We both got our books and ready to start! Most likely this coming week. I've never done a Kay Aurthur study but my sister, Amy, and she says they are really great. I look forward to getting started! I'll let you know who it goes!!

Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to comment and join us as we grow and walk with Him!!
